Flushing & Water Treatment

To ensure optimum long lasting protection is maintained we provide a range of effective flushing and water treatment applications, compliant with the latest standards.

Improving the system's efficiency by preventing the damaging effects of water and aeration can reduce the likelihood of a heating breakdown, because if the  water quality has deteriorated or has been contaminated the boiler has to work harder and therefore emits more carbon to achieve the same output and the efficiency is then compromised.

The system's effectiveness can also be dramatically reduced with the absence of the correct water treatment and can increase fuel costs, with the correct application you can reduce your household heating energy consumption by up to 7% and therefore lowering your carbon footprint.



Sludge or magnetite forms due to a central heating system being left untreated which causes corrosion, and then the build up of sludge occurs. The sludge builds up within the central heating system and settles within radiators creating cold spots, arcs and sticks to vital parts of the system. Eventually this will either cause an inconvenient breakdown or prevent the system from working efficiently. 

Our flushing methods deliver the best possible cleaning and maintenance standards for systems suffering from sludge, corrosion and circulation problems.

Compared to standard power flushing processes, they are faster, more powerful and effective as a central heating flushing solution plus it's less invasive, and essentially it will extend the life of the boiler and central heating system.

Water Treatment

Both hard and soft water have their advantages and disadvantages, however both can cause installation issues and corrosion problems. Particularly when hard water is heated limescale accumulation can occur, causing household appliances to decline in efficiency and increasing the likelihood of a breakdown or failure. The harder the water the stronger the defences against corrosion and limescale need to be, in order to extend the life of the system.

Depending on the system we provide an assortment of applications to combat the effects of water.

Contact us for more information on our water treatment and best practice solutions